Web-tool for data collection (kobo)

During the first multinational pilot on the genetic diversity indicators we agreed on a set of variables and species information needed to estimate the genetic diversity indicators. To facilitate collecting data in a reproducible and standardized way, we built a web-form for data entry using KoboToolBox.

KoboToolBox (https://www.kobotoolbox.org/) is a data collection tool with some useful features to prevent common human errors and facilitate decisions for the user. It records data to Kobo’s free servers for research or humanitarian purposes, but it can also be installed at institutional servers. Regardless of the server, Kobo is not meant for long-term storage of data, since it is a data collection tool, not a database itself. You may wish to use it for indicator data collection because it is an open software tool that anyone can use to create their own project, administer their own teams (ie. group of users with access to a survey either to see it, edit the questions, collect data, or see the data) and collect data. The questions of a form can also be shared for others to use or adapt in their own project. You can learn more about KoboToolBox as a tool in the section KoboToolBox help.

Show me the web-form!

You can see a dummy example of how the online form looks once it is deployed in Kobo below. Notice that this form is just an example and it can NOT be used to collect real data. If you would like to use the form to deploy your own version and collect data, check How to use Kobo to collect genetic diversity indicator data

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